Index Concurrency
Latch Modes
Read Mode
- Multiple threads can read the same object at the same time.
- A thread can acquire the read latch if another thread has it in read mode.
Write Mode
- Only one thread can access the object.
- A thread cannot acquire a write latch if another thread has it in any mode.
Latch Implementations
Test-and-Set Spin Latch (TAS)
使用一个 atomic 的值表示锁,在请求锁时尝试更改该值,若以被锁上则循环等待直到其它线程解锁。
- Very efficient (single instruction to latch/unlatch)
- Non-scalable, not cache friendly, not OS friendly.
std::atomic<bool> latch;
// ...
while (latch.test_and_set(…)) {
// Retry? Yield? Abort?
Blocking OS Mutex
- Simple to use
- Non-scalable (about 25ns per lock/unlock invocation)
- Example:
会 fallback 到内核中的 mutex,较慢
std::mutex m;
// ...
// Do something special...
Reader-Writer Latches
- Allows for concurrent readers. Must manage read/write queues to avoid starvation.
- Can be implemented on top of spinlocks.
- Example:
Hash Table Latching
Page Latches
Slot Latches
B+ Tree Concurrency Control
Two types of problems:
- Threads trying to modify the contents of a node at the same time.
- One thread traversing the tree while another thread splits/merges nodes.
Latch Crabbing / Coupling
- Not full (on insertion)
- More than half-full (on deletion)
为了让 B+ 树能被多个线程同时进行访问和修改,在访问节点时,在访问过程中将根节点到目标节点上所有节点进行上锁,只有当遍历到“安全”的节点时,才能释放其祖先节点的锁。
Find: Start at root and traverse down the tree:
- Acquire R latch on child,→ Then unlatch parent.
- Repeat until we reach the leaf node.
Insert / Delete: Start at root and go down, obtaining W latches as needed. Once child is latched, check if it is safe:
- If child is safe, release all latches on ancestors
Better Latching Algorithm
由于上面的方法在对 B+ 树进行修改操作时必须对根节点以及部分内部节点上锁,在性能上有所不足。
多数对 B+ 树的修改都不会造成分裂或合并,可以先假设修改操作不会造成分裂或合并,在遍历树时使用读锁。如果遍历发现这次修改操作确实需要进行分裂或合并,再使用上面的方法(即使用写锁)重新遍历并更新。
This approach optimistically assumes that only leaf node will be modified; if not, R latches set on the first pass to leaf are wasteful.
- Set latches as if for search, get to leaf, and set W latch on leaf.
- If leaf is not safe, release all latches, and restart thread using previous insert/delete protocol with write latches.
当一个线程要读取兄弟节点,而另一个线程正在写入该兄弟节点时,可以选择在经过几次获取锁的尝试后 kill 读取线程。